Thursday, May 22, 2008

America's Favorite Pastime

What is America's Favorite Pastime? Well there is only one answer to that question. And the answer is Baseball. Baseball has been around since the 1860's. And since then it has become beloved by fans all around the world. This sport has been through alot. There were the high points and the low points. Becoming a Major League Baseeball player is what every little kid dreams of becoming when they grow up. The main reason for that is, what is better than playing something that you love with all the extra benefits. Everybody that plays in the MLB(Major League Baseball) has passion for the game.

Every Baseball season starts in April and goes all the way to October. This keeps the excitement going for most of the year. And every person that likes watching baseball has a particular team that they root for. The team with the most history is probaly the New York Yankees. This team is one of the oldest teams. And the next best team is the Boston Red Sox. And coincidentally these two teams hate each other the most. They have what you call the biggest rivalry in sports.

As I said arlier baseball has also had its downs. The main downside to the MLB is this era right now, whch is called the Stroid ERA. People are questioning everyting about baseball now a days. The most controversial player in this steroid ERA is probaly Barry Bonds. He is controversial because Barry Bonds recently took the lead for most Home Runs in a career and now people are wondering if he cheated to get up there. Honestly I don't think he cheated intentionally. Just because you took steroids doesn't mean you're going to hit 762 homeruns. So I don't think he cheated.

So in conclusion Baseball is one hell of a sport, But it has its downsides. I think once this steroid era is gone, Baseball will no longer be controversial and it will go back to be America's Favorite Pastime.

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